Psychologists working on teams and People in large organizations identified patterns of behavior that create problems in team. They are grouped as
The heroic:
I am surprised as well, because as a Manager, even I too wanted few members to be heroes But problem is they may push themselves too far and create burn out in themselves. Some times they may be demanding others too much. The best way to manage them is give more tasks, ensure that they are behaviorally nice with others. Help them understand that team needs to be balanced and that they should listen to others carefully.
The meritocratic:
They are usually hardworking and are truthful. How ever they lag people skills and don't trust others. Many a times, in-spite of their truthfulness and integrity they will be left out and fall into depression.The best way to manage them is listening to them and helping them understand team dynamics and Powerplays.
The bulldozer:
Bulldozers are great at getting things done .
Bulldozers accomplish their goals at all costs. However, they can intimidate and alienate others in pursuit of goals;They distrust others, and, therefore, others don't trust them. Mentor them by Role plays, team thinking and emotional intelligence topics
The pessimist:
Often we see pessimist all around. Many of these people are very dangerous in the team as they silently pollute other people into low moods. Oftentimes this behavior is rooted to their inbuilt low esteem, failures and anxiety Its very important to deal pessimists separately by calling them out in separate meetings, giving them examples how a task be seen in optimism with examples.
Its very important to let them know that you understand their anxiety and that it is not doing any god by thinking in negative. Reaffirm your trust and support to them and ask them first to stop spreading wrong messages around. Give small doable tasks to them as see that they get succeeded in them and slowly overcoming their own negative mental thoughts.
The rebel:
In Indian context we see rebels very often in team, They defy rules, They defy authority, Very difficult to MANAGE. Still the nicest part with rebels is they could spot areas of improvement.
Managing rebels involve listening them actively, identify and acknowledge if there is a valid point mentioned by them, Bring them past of solution team to the problem.
Try to tap their energy to see that they are working towards problems they mentioned. If done well this will ensure that they are working in right ways. Also have moderator to help them understand their behavioral pattern and how their behavior is impacting the teams and organization.
The YES guys:
Though not so serious , these Yes guys are always there in all cultures, they typically say YES to every work uttered in team.They accept and can stretch themselves to do unmanageable chunks of work. Sometimes they fail doing all that they accept.
Often they lag independent thinking and appreciation. Sit down with them explaining a situations where every thing cannot be done and what happens if they keep saying only YES. Also walk them through varied situations and importance of creating a PERSONALITY .
View here a shot video on tips.
For guys who want to one more version of it.
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